Radical Disciples for Revolutionary Churches

  • Radical Disciples for Revolutionary Churches

    About the Author

    Russell Burrill was head of the North American Division Evangelism Institute of the Seventh-day Adventists for more than twenty years. His experience spans through the fields of church growth and evangelism. He was pastor, church consultant and evangelist. 

    About the Book 

    In this 1996 120-page book published by Hart Research Center, Russell Burrill argues for efficient ways to reinvigorate the church. He lucidly points out that radical disciples are greatly needed who will become active rather than passive. Burrill believes that an urgent rethinking and retooling is needed in evangelism. The radical disciples needed would not be such that are spoon-fed spiritually, but mature members responsible for their own spiritual growth. The needed radical disciples accept ministry as their task and not just for the paid clergy. 

    Burrill’s proposed discipleship models are very biblical. In the concise nine chapters that make up this book, the Great Commission is appraised in very compelling perspectives. The true nature of discipleship is discussed. Mission in the New Testament is discussed. The basis and goal of Adventist mission are evaluated, as well as the relationship between doctrines and disciples. Finally an Adventist evangelistic strategy is considered. 

    What this book accentuates is the fact that Christians are called to be disciples, not just members! And the work of disciples is to make more disciples. Applying the principles in this book is bound to bring about the kind of refreshing the disciples of Jesus enjoyed at Pentecost. 

    This book should be a required book for all who are interested in the field of discipleship. 

    Reviewed by Hugues Simeon 

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