Turn Your Church Inside Out
Building a Community for Others

  • Turn Your Church Inside Out

    About the Author 

    Walt Kallestad is the Senior Pastor of Community Church of Joy in Glendale, Arizona and he has functioned in this capacity for over two decades. He is a graduate of Luther Seminary and he holds a doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is a renowned speaker and an extensive publisher of books on church leadership, prayer and evangelism. Some of his publications include “A Passionate Life,” “The Passionate Church,” “Christian Faith: The Basics,” “Turn Your Church Inside Out,” etc. 

    About the Book 

    This 185-page book was published by Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis in 2001. Kallestad, in this non-denominational publication underscores the need to be creative and relevant in order to transform churches into a vibrant community for Christ. His over twenty-two years experience of growing the Community Church of Joy from its cradle to what it is now is the basis for the effective strategies presented in this book. 

    Kallestad had a vision for the church of Jesus Christ reshaped and transformed into a Jesus community for others. To realize this vision, he examines how the church life would fair if it were really a church for others. He reflects on the changes made in his congregation in the aspect of worship, preaching, prayer, programming, staffing and finance for the church to remain relevant in this postmodern world and to be an inclusive community of followers of Jesus. Having witnessed the growth the above changes made in his congregation, he invites other church leaders to adopt and adapt his vision. 

    Basically Kallestad’s proposition is that churches need internal effectiveness before they can make impact outwardly. The missional success of any church moves inside-out. 

    Both clergy and laity are encouraged to spend time on this book especially as many congregations struggle for survival, let alone relevance in this age. 

    Reviewed by Gabriel Agbojo